A Discussion on the need to improve Mesoscale Analyses for the NBM to support Field Operations

Young-Joon "YJ" Kim, Mark Tew, Andrew Stern
  12 March, Noon, in 2155

The lunchtime seminar is an opportunity to strengthen relationships between EMC and field operations via the Analyze, Forecast and Support Office (AFSO). AFSO supports the field by collecting proposed requirements, working the requests through established governance and developing policies to support evolving NWS field operations.

The presentation will begin with an overview of NWS governance which supports the collection and validation of field requirements and how the cyclical process of validation and innovation requires our organizations to build relationships and work together to support the life and property mission.

The discussion will then show needs collected from the field regarding mesoscale analysis which is largely represented by URMA (UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis). One particularly important focus area is on the challenges of terrain variation effects and related improvements to the National Blend of Models (NBM).

The seminar will conclude with an open discussion period where ideas can be exchanged with the desire to strengthen communications through future dialogs.